Dr. Chris Miller named Rising Doc by SuperDoctors magazine

Dr. Millers’ peers name him as Super Doctors Rising Stars® in Texas. Following an extensive independent nomination and research process, the results were published in the July 2019 issue of Texas Monthly magazine and online at www.superdoctors.com. He was also recognized as Super Doctors Rising Stars in 2018.

Super Doctors identifies top doctors as selected by their peers and the independent research of MSP Communications.

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About Dr. Miller

Dr. Miller is highly experienced in the treatment of bone and joint disorders. His focus is to return you to the quality of life you desire using the latest methods of conservative care or surgical treatment. If surgery becomes the recommended option, he will use minimally invasive techniques with less risk and shorter recovery time.

Dr. Miller’s focus is to treat the patient as a whole, from the fingers to the toes (hand, elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, foot, and ankle). He is an accomplished surgeon proficient in the surgical treatment of sports injuries, including injuries to ligaments or cartilage. He also specializes in treating fractures, bunions, and hammertoes, as well as performing joint replacement surgery to treat arthritis.